Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Police advising drivers to avoid southbound Ring Road due to multiple collisions

Regina Police Service (RPS) are advising motorists to avoid Ring Road going southbound due to multiple vehicle collisions caused by icy and slippery conditions.
In a release, RPS stated drivers are advised to avoid the 600 block of Ring Road between McDonald Street East and Ross Avenue East.
Police are asking drivers to slow down and to be aware that winter conditions are present at this time, which include icy and slippery sections on roadways.
RPS said from 8:00 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., they responded to 17 accidents around the city.
“When it is icy, it takes about ten times the stopping distance, so people aren’t always ready for that,” Les Parker with RPS said. “We just ask motorists to take that extra time and slow down ahead of time. It’s better to get where you’re going without an accident.”
